Raspberry Pi

Il Raspberry Pi è un single-board computer (un calcolatore implementato su una sola scheda elettronica) sviluppato nel Regno Unito dalla Raspberry Pi Foundation. Il suo lancio al pubblico era previsto per la fine del mese di febbraio 2012[1]. La fondazione prevede di distribuirlo in due versioni, al prezzo di $25 e $35 dollari statunitensi.L'idea di base è la realizzazione di un dispositivo economico, concepito per stimolare l'insegnamento di base dell'informatica e della programmazione nelle scuole.Il progetto ruota attorno a un System-on-a-chip (SoC) Broadcom BCM2835, che incorpora un processore ARM1176JZF-S a 700 MHz, una GPU VideoCore IV, e 256 megabyte (MiB) di memoria. Il progetto non prevede né hard disk né una unità a stato solido, affidandosi invece a una scheda SD per il boot e per la memoria non volatile[8].La scheda è stata progettata per ospitare sistemi operativi basati su un kernel Linux o RISC OS.


Arrivato Oggi dopo 3 mesi di attesa!!!

Raspberry Dowload page:


The Page contains to SD card images for linux distro

Install. Instruction Copying an image to the SD Card in Linux (gr.interface)

If you are using Ubuntu and hesitate to use the terminal, you can use the ImageWriter tool (nice graphical user interface) to write the .img file to the SD card.

  1. Download the zip file containing the image from a mirror or torrent
  2. Right click the zip file and select "Extract here"
    • ATTENTION: As of this writing (15 June 2012), there is a bug in the ImageWriter program that causes it to fail if the filename of the image file or its path (i.e. all the names of any parent folders that you extract the image file into) contain any space characters. Before going any further, ensure that neither the file name of the image you're using or the path contain any spaces (or other odd characters, for that matter). A bug has been opened for this issue:https://bugs.launchpad.net/usb-imagewriter/+bug/1013834 Once the issue is fixed, edit this page to advise people to use an updated/patched version of ImageWriter.
  3. Insert the SD card into your computer or connect the SD card reader with the SD card inside
  4. Install the ImageWriter tool from the Ubuntu Software Center
  5. Launch the ImageWriter tool (it needs your administrative password)
  6. Select the image file (example debian6-19-04-2012.img) to be written to the SD card (note: because you started ImageWriter as administrator the starting point when selecting the image file is the administrator's home folder so you need to change to your own home folder to select the image file)
  7. Select the target device to write the image to (your device will be something like "/dev/mmcblk0" or "/dev/sdc")
  8. Click the "Write to device" button
  9. Wait for the process to finish and then insert the SD card in the Raspberry Pi


my experience:


/dev/sdb is my SDcard -> verify it! <-

  • lunch server@server:~$sudo sync




Inserisre la SD Card nello slot del ruspberry e dare alimentazione.!

username: pi Password: raspberry

sudo su - (root access)




download image
download image